residential builder
In Casaflex we offer you a complete list where the names of
all the administrators and executives of companies dedicated to the sector of contractors
are reflected. In our directory you will quickly and easily find a large amount
of information related to the legal entity: List of provinces where the
companies in which it participates are located, number of companies,
description of the activity they develop and other information of interest. As
a construction company we have extensive experience in the development of residential
builder projects (Houses, Residences, Mansions, Departments and Housing
Sets) with 100% customer satisfaction thanks to our design methodology, seeking
to meet the needs and tastes of our customers to which we add to the project at
all times through constant revisions, modifications with proposals and virtual
tours until we achieve an architectural project where design, comfort and
maximum use of spaces and natural areas are present so that you can worry about
enjoying your New House.
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